Student perspectives

On 14 July 2017, an exchange between students from Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and the Czech Republic took place in Eupen.

In the contributions that follow, they look at the history of East Belgium and draw parallels to their respective home regions’ past.

The texts on this page were written by the Centre for East Belgian History. They were an attempt to present the history of East Belgium as simply as possible. We asked provocative questions to stir the reader’s appetite.

As part of a student exchange that took place on 14 July 2017 in the Parliament of the German-speaking Community, students edited and commented on the texts. The task for the participants, who come from Wallonia, Brussels, Flanders, Germany, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Luxembourg, was to translate the introductory texts into their own historical socialisation and make them understandable for people from their regions.