Group 3

A present for East Belgium

In 1920, the Prussian districts of Eupen and Malmedy, which had been created a century earlier, were annexed to the Kingdom of Belgium. A number of projects commemorate the centenary of the accession of what is now East Belgium to Belgium.

Today’s East Belgium celebrated its 100th birthday in 2020. Time for presents? The citizens of East Belgium were given the opportunity to make a gift to their home region. This gift should illuminate ‘100 years of East Belgium’ from a subjective perspective. The gift could be from the past (a personal or family memento) or from the present (a contemporary object); it could be a written document (letter, diary extract, note…), an image (picture, painting…), a song or piece of music, an object (material object of any kind), or simply something original. Although the word ‘gift’ has a positive connotation, the object could also make people think about the history of the region!

Participants could give this object as a gift or provide a copy (digital photo or copy). However, they should always give a short description of the object (between ten and fifty lines) and explain why this object is a facet of the big mosaic of ‘100 years of East Belgium’.

BRF coverage of the project (in German): Ein Geschenk für Ostbelgien: Das Zentrum für Ostbelgische Geschichte will zum Nachdenken anregen

Grenz-Echo coverage of the project (in German): Zentrum für Ostbelgische Geschichte lädt ein zur Serie „Ein Geschenk für Ostbelgien“


Geschenke an Ostbelgien