A Present for East Belgium

The Red Cross: A gift from Marie-Hélène Düsseldorf

  • Lab
  • A Present for East Belgium

Dear East Belgium,

I would like to give you a picture of the Red Cross House in Sankt Vith for your round birthday.

The history of the Red Cross (founded in 1863) is as chequered a history as our region’s.

Throughout your 100-year history, the Red Cross, whether German or Belgian, has stood by the side of those who needed protection and help. And that without asking: ‘Are you friend or foe?’ The question has always been, ‘How can I help you?’

The Red Cross house in the picture, financed with the help of our community and our congregations, until this day for protection and help for the people who need us every day. The fates leading people to this house are different from those in the past. The Red Cross has also changed on the ground. The symbol of protection, a red cross on a white background, still stands here today and all over the world as a reminder and as help for the civilian population in need.

On 12 August 1949, more than 70 years ago, the Geneva Conventions were signed, which are the basis of international humanitarian law. Belgium was one of the first states to sign these conventions at the time. The content is based on an idea by Henri Dunant, the founder of the International Red Cross. This vision of one man is more important today than ever before.

My gift to our community is our gratitude for supporting this wonderful organisation, of which I am still very proud and humbled to be a member.

Marie-Hélène Düsseldorf

Sankt Vith