
Please note that the legally binding version of this declaration is the version in German, to be found under Datenschutz. The English version is for informational purposes only.


1. Data protection regulations

The Centre for East Belgian History (a non-profit association) respects your personal rights. This includes the right to privacy, which is guaranteed by article 22 of the Belgian Constitution and article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The Centre for East Belgian History processes your data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation / GDPR).

In this sense, the Centre for East Belgian History treats all personal data according to the following principles:

  • Lawfulness, good faith
  • Purpose limitation
  • Proportionality
  • Accuracy and staying up-to-date
  • Purpose limitation
  • Confidentiality and data security

The following rights are granted to you by the GDPR:

  • The right to information. If data about you is collected directly from you or from another source, you have the right to be informed in an intelligible way who is processing your data, what data is being processed and for what purpose (Articles 12 – 14).
  • The right of access to personal data held about you by an organisation (Article 15).
  • The right to rectification. If personal data that an institution holds about you is not accurate, you have the right to ask for it to be corrected or completed (Article 16).
  • The right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’) allows you to ask for your personal data to be deleted if you no longer want it to be processed and the institution no longer has a legitimate reason to keep it. (Article 17).
  • The right to restriction of processing: Under certain conditions, you have the right to request restriction of the processing of your personal data (Article 18).
  • The right to data portability: under certain conditions, you have the right to obtain back personal data that you have transmitted and to make it available to other entities. (Article 20).
  • The right to object: In certain cases, you may object to the further processing of your personal data insofar as it is no longer justified by the performance of public tasks or interests worthy of protection.

If you can prove your identity, as a data subject you have the right under Article 15 to obtain, on request, the following information about your data:

  • Information as to whether or not there is processing of data relating to you;
  • information about the purposes of these processing operations;
  • information on the categories of data undergoing processing;
  • information on the categories of recipients to whom data may be disclosed;
  • if possible, the envisaged duration of the data processing;
  • information on the origin of the data if none has been provided by yourself;
  • information on the possibility of lodging a complaint with the data protection authority;

Furthermore, the provisions of the Decree of 16 October 1995 on the publicity of administrative documents apply.

Further information relating to the protection of private life can be found on the website of the Data Protection Authority and on the website of the European Union.

2. The content of the website of the Centre for East Belgian History

Each time a user accesses our site and each time a file is retrieved, data about this process is temporarily stored and processed in a log file:

  • IP address
  • duration of visit
  • browser and hardware usage
  • date and time
  • pages accessed
  • retrieval sequence
  • search words
  • entry pages
  • exit pages
  • provider
  • country of origin

This data is collected exclusively for the quality assurance of our website. It is not used in any other way, nor passed on to third parties.

The web tracking tool ‘Matomo’ (formerly: ‘Piwik’) is used for the purpose of optimising our website. The IP addresses are immediately anonymised by Matomo, which means that it is not possible to identify visitors. The anonymous statistical data is stored separately from any personal data you may have provided and does not provide for any conclusions to be drawn about a specific person.

You can object to tracking by clicking on the following link (in German) https://matomo.pixelbar.be/index.php?module=CoreAdminHome&action=optOut&language=de.


We use plugins from the provider Vimeo on some of our Internet pages. When you access the internet pages of our website that are provided with such a plugin, a connection is established to the Vimeo servers and the plugin is displayed. This transmits to the Vimeo server which of our internet pages you have visited. If you are logged in as a Vimeo member, Vimeo assigns this information to your personal user account. When using the plugin, such as clicking on the start button of a video, this information is also assigned to your user account. You can prevent this assignment by logging out of your Vimeo user account before using our website and deleting the corresponding cookies from Vimeo.

Further information on data processing and notes on data protection by Vimeo can be found at https://vimeo.com/privacy.

This site uses web fonts provided by Google for the uniform display of fonts. When you access a page, your browser loads the required web fonts into your browser cache in order to display texts and fonts correctly. Since the web fonts are integrated locally, no call to Google is necessary – accordingly, no data is exchanged to display the locally installed Google font. Google Web Fonts are used in the interest of a uniform and appealing presentation of our online offers. This represents a legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

If your browser does not support web fonts, a standard font from your computer will be used. Further information on Google Web Fonts can be found at https://developers.google.com/fonts/faq and in the data protection declaration.

In certain cases, we ask you to fill in a contact form. This information will be used exclusively for correspondence or dispatch. In this case, the provisions of the GDPR also apply without restriction.

3. Contact persons

The data controller within the meaning of Article 4 of the GDPR is the Centre for East Belgian History V.o.G., Kaperberg 2-4 in B-4700 Eupen, represented by Mr Nicholas Williams.

The data protection officer within the meaning of Article 37 of the GDPR is Mr Nicholas Williams.