

With your help, the ZOG would like to set up a register of associations for East Belgium.

The number of associations active in East Belgium in the past and present is probably at least 5,000 in the round about 100 villages. In some smaller villages, there are already more than 30 clubs and club-like associations. But it seems that the true number is even higher.

All these associations have shaped life in village communities. A register with some basic information will help to get a better understanding of the life of the associations, to grasp the dependence of the association landscape on supra-regional association developments and to envisage future perspectives.

The results will form part of an East Belgian encyclopaedia on the portal geschichte.be.

Below are two documents:

A PDF file that will be regularly updated. It shows which associations have already been registered. The list is sorted alphabetically by place.

A classification and listing of possible associations. This list should help us to think of associations that are not present in our memory. This list will also be updated from time to time.

Here is the link to our online survey:


The basic rule is to fill in one questionnaire per club or association. Please do not forget to click ‘send’ when you have finished. If you have another club, simply click on it again and fill in the details for the new club.

For questions: info@geschichte.be