A Present for East Belgium

The certificate: a gift from Steven Gass

  • Lab
  • A Present for East Belgium

I give East Belgium my certificate of the play-in from 2003 and a recording of the project from 2018 as an anniversary gift.

For me, these were my first musical steps in a larger group and the cornerstone of my musical career and involvement in East Belgium.

For 15 years I have been lucky enough to be able to help plan and shape this project, which still remains great and which remains one of the most exciting in my schedule.

Even though I had studied and worked in Namur, I was drawn back to East Belgium. The region offers a lot in terms of musical culture – both amateur and professional. This mixture precisely is appealing to me. Clear divisions in music should be avoided because the word amateur is derived from the word ‘amare’, and meaning ‘(to) love’. So, it is the love of performance that counts, rather than training alone.

Hence, the certificate and the video reflect not only my musical beginnings, but this great diversity in terms of offer in and attachment to this rural region. Through my involvement in numerous projects and organisations, I would like to pass on this enthusiasm to young musicians, which has been kindled in our region.

Steven Gass
